
meishuliuxue.cn 2015-10-25 08:41:38 来源:





  1. 自我介绍

  Tell me about yourself.

  Tell a bit about your undergraduate experience.

  2. 关于作品和个人陈述



  Why do you want to go into this field? Is art a passion for you?

  Why are you interested in our college?

  Who in your life has most influenced you?

  Why do you want to major in ....?

  What will you contribute to our campus community?

  What are your research interests?

  What are your short-term and long-term career goals?

  Tell me about how you achieved a significant accomplishment.

  List some of your strengths and weaknesses.

  Tell me about your hobbies and interests.

  Where else have you applied?

  Describe for me your more significant leadership experience. How have you effectively worked in a team situation?

  Describe some important goals you have achieved.

  Do you enjoy collaboration work? Working in teams?

  Tell me the experience you interned in one company.


  What do you see as the major trends in your field of study?

  What software was used on portfolio pieces? Describe the printing process required?

  How long have you been surfing the Internet? Do you feel comfortable with it? What are your favorite Websites?

  Describe your process for generating design ideas for a project. I'm particularly interested in how you develop an understanding of audience, message, and purpose and then implement this understanding in your designs.

  Tell me about this project if your portfolio.

  Why do you use these material at this project?



  1. 自我介绍


  2. 关于个人和想法


  3. 关于作品


  最后,美术留学网老师再次强调,面试不能不准备,也不要给自己过大压力而影响准备作品集。说白了就是跟考官聊聊自己,谈谈人生和理想,说说自己做作品的过程和想法。对照着文中提到的常见问题,可以预想下自己的回答。如果你还是毫无头绪,可以登录 http://www.meishuliuxue.cn/进行了解!


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